Sunday, February 15, 2009

Last Semester's Podcasts

I listened to two great podcast from last semester's classes. They were both very informal. The first podcast that I listened to was about how YouTube can be used for educational purposes by Joel Graham, Noelle Shipman, and Kimberly Kelly. This was a very interesting podcast. They gave great information. It allowed me to find out that YouTube could be used for educational purposes. They did a great job of informing the listener. You can listen to it here:YouTube for Educational Purposes Podcast
This podcast could have been a better. There were several things that could have made it better. They could have not sounded like they were reading off a piece of paper. Also, they could have talked with one another and interacted with each other. To make a better podcast I will try and interact with the other people I am going to do the podcast with. They could have sounded a bit more enthusiastic about what they were talking about.
The second podcast I listened was also a great podcast. It was also very interesting. It mentioned about using facebook in the classroom. That was just very interesting to me how we could possibly incorporate facebook in the classroom. Listen to it here:Possibilities for Using Facebook in the Classroom Podcast
There were some problems with the podcast. They could have spoken clearer. Also, it sounded like they were reading off a piece of paper. Lastly, they could have interacted with one another. Ways that I want my podcast to be good are, speaking clearly and interacting with the other people. This was still a great podcast.

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