Sunday, February 15, 2009

Fischbowl January 2007: A Blue Print for Colorado?

This was one of the most interesting posts that I have read so far. The man that wrote this post disagreed with what most of Time magazine had written in the article that he talked about. The article talked about wanting to change the educational system. He wrapped it up in seven steps. You can read his post here:A Blueprint for Colorado
The first two steps talked about if college was the best thing for the future and teacher salaries. He mentioned that by the year 2018 that college might not be the best thing for his daughter. More and more graduates are graduating from college and there will not be enough jobs for them. The second step talked about teachers salaries. It mentioned that they are very low. Also, it said that teachers should be employed by state not local districts on a nationwide scale. Lastly, it mentioned teachers do not teach for the money but for the kids.
The Fourth and Fifth step talked about testing and who should own the schools. It talked about how assessments and cirrculum are for today's needs and tomorrow's future. The standardized test have increased in size. Standardized test represent a level of accomplishment. Step 5 mentioned how schools should be owned by contractors instead of communities. It also mentioned how people only care for compensation and not the students.
The last two steps mentioned high-quality education and giving support to students who need it. It was important that we provided high- quality education to kids at an early age. Also, it was a good opportunity for everyone. In step 7 it mentioned that by giving support it would be good for the economy not for the students. This would allow students to be ready for the job market.

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